Powering conservation
iLearnabout not only addresses an urgent gap in quality education; but also an equally crucial gap in access to this increasingly important content.
Compelling Case
Currently, there is no digital conservation resource that includes all the vital topics required to teach a holistic environmental education programme in Sub -Saharan Africa. Conservation organisations and NGOs still mostly use printed format, which is expensive to produce, distribute, and update. Across Africa, conservation organisations and NGOs develop content for school children on specific topics, regions or areas of expertise. However, there is insufficient cross-sharing of the content so scarce funds are wasted by unnecessary duplication, inefficient dissemination and poor up-take. By creating this generic resource, we will give free access to world-class digital education content, reducing duplication and cutting costs for organisations.
“Your initiative is just the kind I have been hoping will be taken.”
The Time to Act is Now
Environmental conservation education cannot wait. Now more than ever, it's critical we equip children and teachers with the knowledge and tools to protect their environment, ensuring a sustainable future.
Currently, there is no widely accessible digital resource to teach essential conservation and environmental topics to primary school children across Africa.
That’s where iLearnabout comes in.
Our e-learning platform meets this urgent need by delivering conservation education to young people in remote areas who are directly impacted by environmental challenges. This generation is crucial to tackling these challenges before they become irreversible.
COVID-19 highlighted the benefits and accelerated the use of digital communications, along with a rapid reduction in the costs of connectivity and power solutions, making digital learning in Africa increasingly cost-effective. There is no better time to develop a common e-learning platform to help teach critical lessons on environmental conservation, Africa’s ecosystems play a critical role in maintaining global biodiversity and climate stability. As we equip young Africans to protect their natural heritage, we are also contributing to a worldwide effort to secure a healthier, more resilient planet.
A recent World Bank poll on education's role in the climate crisis revealed that 42% of respondents prioritised “equipping students with climate knowledge to inspire action and solutions” as the top concern.
Modern Materials
iLearnabout will enhance existing elements of national curricula by being taught as extracurricular lessons. It is designed to be modern, fun and engaging, leading to better attendance, learning outcomes and increased impact. It is downloadable and suitable for online or offline use on tablets, computers, projectors and mobile phones.