Wildlife Clubs of Kenya broadens opportunities with iLearnabout
Photo Credit: Wildlife Clubs of Kenya
Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (WCK) have agreed to become key partners with iLearnabout. The WCK team has been instrumental in our early development and will now be helping with the implementation of our pilot programme focusing on digital conservation education. We are very excited at the opportunities this collaboration will bring in terms of knowledge and experience, along with the potential to reach many children and teachers through their club network.
Formed in 1968, WCK was the first conservation education programme of its kind in Africa. Through workshops, in seven regions across Kenya WCK operates in over 3,000 schools affiliated with the programmes reaching over 227,463 members. Many of the clubs are in very rural areas. It has helped educate over 1,000,000 young Kenyans and placed many of them in positions of influence. The clubs’ intention is to ensure that this enormous membership and awareness leads to tangible conservation successes. For more details www.wildlifeclubsofkenya.org and www.ilearnabout.org