Here’s our round up of 2024 - looking forward to 2025!

Education Programme Development

We have been working closely with conservation organisations and education authorities, guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The result has been an extensive framework of resources which explore key global and local environmental issues.

We have now completed almost 7 of the planned 24 topics: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Soil, Wildlife Conservation, Water and Livelihoods, and Forests. The next module, Humans and Wildlife, is in development and will be available shortly. These provide over a year’s worth of teaching materials. The iLearnabout content and practical hands-on activities resonate with children in their day-to-day lives. The issues they learn about in class are often the same ones affecting their villages, helping students connect environmental challenges with real-world solutions.

Partnering for Success: Highlights

Our partnerships continued to grow in 2024, and our impactful conservation e-learning now reaches over 45,000 African children. Key developments include:


  • Wildlife Clubs of Kenya: A long-standing partner, expanded their outreach in 2024 to all six regions of their network, along with ongoing use of iLearnabout through their mobile education unit.

  • Elsa Conservation Trust: Continued their rolling education programme with schools at their Lake Naivasha centre.

  • Mount Kenya Trust: Launching a pilot programme in January 2025.

  • Haller Foundation: Set to incorporate iLearnabout in their Mombasa Education Centre

  • Thika Alumni Trust: Reaching thousands of children through server and equipment provisions across Kenya.


Five prominent Zambian organisations joined Conservation Lower Zambezi in integrating iLearnabout into their education programmes. Using tablets and projectors, they’ve reported early successes, including:

  • BirdWatch Zambia

  • Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust

  • Game Rangers International

  • Project Luangwa

  • Wildlife Education and Conservation Society of Zambia

New Geographic Outreach:

Malawi: Hope4Malawi successfully implemented iLearnabout in four schools and their education centre.

Namibia: Elephant Human Relations Aid is preparing to launch a programme in 2025.

Nepal: Chance for Nepal tested iLearnabout materials in their Triple Gem schools. Despite the African focus, the resources were recognised for their significant impact in areas where conservation education materials are scarce.

Global Reach:

iLearnabout is now hosted on major global platforms, including UNICEF’s Passport to Earning, Critical Links, and Internet-in-a-Box. This expands our reach to hundreds of thousands of children across Sub-Saharan Africa, with notable new regions in South Africa and Nigeria.

During the year, we received incredible support and individual donations. Our thanks in particular go to Mwabu for their ongoing advice and pro-bono support, and a special mention to Timbuktu Travel, whose generous contributions and enthusiasm extended the availability of our resources to many more children. We also appreciate Ark Earth for their donation. Thank you all!

Environmental conservation education cannot wait. It’s critical that children and teachers are equipped with the knowledge, green skills and tools to protect their environment, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

That’s where you and iLearnabout come in.

Our progress has reconfirmed the compelling case for a digital environmental conservation programme in African schools.

As we move into the next stages of funding and implementation, we remain committed to building on the progress made in 2024.

Thank you to all our supporters—sponsors, donors, advisors, NGOs, schools, teachers, and many friends—who make this work possible. We look forward to continuing this journey together to help shape a brighter, greener future.
— Ian McFadyen, Chair of iAfrica Foundation

Here’s to a successful 2025!

iLearnabout has been hailed as a "game-changer," with six of the planned 24 topics already in use. However, with growing demand and an increasing number of schools requesting access and continuous teaching, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment. Our goal is to fast-track the development of the remaining topic packs to reach as many children as possible, as quickly as possible.


Six leading conservation organisations in Zambia adopt iLearnabout